23 Signs You're Winning at Life in Your 20s

Being a winner is a good feeling to have — especially in life. Winning doesn't solely relate to competitions or Charlie Sheen's coining of the term back in 2011. From achieving success to maintaining a work-life balance, find out what characteristics mean your life is going the way it should be. You may just even find an inspiration or two that you'll want to incorporate into your daily routine! Source: Shutterstock

So, You Graduated College
The CW

So, You Graduated College

This is definitely a milestone for your 20s. Throw your hat in the air!

You Start Eyeing a Career

You Start Eyeing a Career

It's time to trade in part-time wages for benefits and a salary.

You Take Rejection With Grace
The CW

You Take Rejection With Grace

Not every company will hire you, and that's OK. One door closing just leads to another opening.

401(k) Becomes More Important Than Designer Items

401(k) Becomes More Important Than Designer Items

At this moment, you realize retirement has of higher importance than a pair of Louboutins or a Louis Vuitton bag. FYI: it doesn't mean those things won't ever come! Source: Instagram user stilettocouturebella

You Realize Everything Your Parents Have Done For You
Warner Bros.

You Realize Everything Your Parents Have Done For You

Call your mom and dad back — they'll appreciate hearing your voice. After all, no one has a bigger fan than their parents, and they deserve some thanks for putting up with you all these years (good and bad).

Mastering Time Management Is a Must

Mastering Time Management Is a Must

Eating breakfast and checking your email at the same time? No problem.

You Haven't Given Up on Your Dreams

You Haven't Given Up on Your Dreams

No matter how big or small.

People Think You're Old, Because You Go to Bed Early

People Think You're Old, Because You Go to Bed Early

Instead of hitting the town for a crazy night, you opt out for a full night's rest. Early bird gets the worm! Source: Buena Vista Pictures

You're Doing What You Love

You're Doing What You Love

Whether you've landed your dream job or are doing a hobby on the side, being able to do what you love is an achievement in itself. Source: Touchstone Pictures

You Finally Know What Work-Life Balance Means

You Finally Know What Work-Life Balance Means

Just because you're working doesn't mean you don't have a life outside the office.

You Pay Yourself First
Universal Pictures

You Pay Yourself First

Rather than splurging at the local mall, your rent, electricity bills, and student loans are a few of the things you want to prioritize. Leftover money can be thrown into a savings account, because there's nothing like some interest to get extra cash in your pocket!

Happy Hour Becomes an Important Event
New Line Cinema

Happy Hour Becomes an Important Event

Whether for networking or de-stressing, it's always 5 o'clock somewhere.

Vacation Funds Become Key

Vacation Funds Become Key

You know that trip you always wanted to take? Now there's room in your budget for it (if you've planned ahead, of course). Source: Bravo

People Come to You For Advice

People Come to You For Advice

Why yes, you do have some words of wisdom. Source: Disney

The Past Is in the Past

The Past Is in the Past

There's no room for holding onto grudges. Source: Buena Vista Pictures

You're Happy With Who You Are

You're Happy With Who You Are

There's only one you, so be sure to embrace it and be comfortable in your own skin.

You've Upgraded From Pinky Swears to Promises
Universal Pictures

You've Upgraded From Pinky Swears to Promises

And you take them just as seriously.

Asking For Help Isn't a Big Deal

Asking For Help Isn't a Big Deal

Let someone else give you a hand once in a while. You can always return the favor in the future.

You Own Up to Your Mistakes
Columbia Pictures

You Own Up to Your Mistakes

It's the adult thing to do.

You Don't Take Life Too Seriously
Paramount Pictures

You Don't Take Life Too Seriously

Enough said.

Success Is Something Worth Celebrating

Success Is Something Worth Celebrating

Knowing you're in a good place is a good feeling. Source: ABC Family

Most of All, You Believe in Yourself

Most of All, You Believe in Yourself

These are your 20s, so learn what you can from them to prepare you for the next stage in life: your 30s.